The last month of the year is notoriously the most stressful. Even under the best of circumstances, we worry over whether we have enough time to get everything done, how we will take care of the kids when they aren’t in school, and even if our budget will stretch as far as we need it to. These days, we have the added stress of a pandemic to factor in. Oh, and the days are getting shorter, the bad weather is coming, and did you book your car in to get the winter tires on? It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also anxiety inducing.

This year, more than ever before, it is important to take note of these stresses and ensure you are taking care of yourself. When small stresses pile up, we can be left feeling frazzled and exhausted, which can lead to even more serious conditions. A lot of people don’t know how detrimental stress can be on their body, here are just a few ways being stressed out can affect you: 

  • High Blood Pressure 
  • Insomnia 
  • Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks 
  • Depression 
  • Gut Issues 
  • Fertility Issues 
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue 
Long term effects like high blood pressure and fertility issues can be due to stress


When it comes to stress, it can be a real struggle as to what to do in order to combat it. Sometimes when it starts, it may feel as though you will never get away from it. In fact, a lot of people who experience anxiety are actually feeling the effect of stress. A friend may tell you to ‘just relax’ but this isn’t really helpful, especially if you already feel like you don’t have enough time or money to sink into proper self care. 

Thankfully, there are services designed to help with not only the issues caused by stress, but stress itself! At Plaza Physiotherapy, we have a unique team of wellness professionals dedicated to your health and well-being. Our services are tailored to compliment each other and get to the root of what is causing you pain and discomfort. 


Acupuncture is an ancient treatment used to target specific points of the body to help the body function better. For stress and anxiety, acupuncture helps to lessen the body’s fight or flight stress response by affecting the nervous system. Utilizing certain trigger points, allows us to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. Acupuncture is a safe and effective way of treating both anxiety and stress related conditions. Many patients notice fast relief of their symptoms, though results vary from client to client.  

Acupuncture can relief stress


It is no secret that massage therapy is incredibly relaxing and therapeutic. Not only does it relieve uncomfortable and tight muscles, but it promotes an overall sense of relaxation. The problem with stress is that it consists in a cyclical pattern. You get stressed which leads you tense up, then your muscles send referral pain to another area of the body, adding more tension and stress. Before you know it, you’re a walking, talking tense muscle – in pain and frustrated.  

Our RMTs are trained to stimulate the body’s relaxation response, but they also work to temper the return of further stress. Massage Therapy not only helps you physically, it also calms your mind, releases endorphins, and improves your mood. This added trifecta can help your stress dissipate and make it easier to cope with the holiday season. 

Massage Therapy can help Stress

Get ahead of your stress by booking an appointment at Plaza Physiotherapy!