Acupuncture TMJ Physiotherapy

woman holding Jaw

Acupuncture TMJ Physiotherapy

skull showing where the Joint is

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is a synovial joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone, which is located in front of the ears on both sides. It is responsible for enabling the opening and closing of the jaw, enabling us to perform various functions such as speaking, eating, chewing, and yawning. Acupuncture TMJ Physiotherapy sessions aim to alleviate these symptoms by targeting specific acupuncture points throughout the body.

The TMJ is complex, consisting of various parts that work together to facilitate jaw movement. These include the mandible, the temporal bone, the meniscus, the articular disc, the articular tubercle, the glenoid fossa, and the distal ligaments. These components work together to stabilize the joint, allow for smooth movement, and ensure proper jaw alignment.

A targeted form of acupuncture, Nikhita Jain’s treatment for TMJ focuses mainly on acupuncture points across the jaw, neck, head, and face to address the root cause of the pain, discomfort, hindered mobility, and jaw misalignment associated with this condition.

Her TMJ acupuncture sessions aim to alleviate these symptoms by targeting specific acupuncture points throughout the body. By stimulating these points, we aim to increase blood flow and energy flow to the jaw area, promoting healing and pain relief.

In addition to improving circulation, acupuncture can also help reduce stress in the body. By targeting acupuncture points that are known for their stress-relieving effects, we can promote relaxation and reduce tension in the neck, head, and face, which can contribute to TMJ symptoms.

What about Acute Pain?

For individuals with acute pain, our TMJ sessions can provide immediate relief. By stimulating acupuncture points that target the affected areas, we can help reduce swelling and inflammation, providing immediate pain relief.

For individuals with chronic conditions, acupuncture can help initiate the healing process. By targeting acupuncture points that are known for their healing effects, we can help reduce inflammation and promote the body’s natural healing response.

Overall, Nikhita’s TMJ acupuncture sessions offer a targeted approach to address the root cause of this condition and provide relief for those experiencing pain, discomfort, hindered mobility, and jaw misalignment. By increasing blood and energy flow to the jaw area, as well as decreasing overall stress in the body, those with acute pain can experience immediate relief, and chronic conditions can begin to heal.

How TMJ Acupuncture works:

Like cosmetic acupuncture, Acupuncture TMJ Physiotherapy also utilizes extra-thin, silicon-coated needles inserted just below the skin’s surface to stimulate the body’s self-healing processes, encourage detoxification, and release blocked energy. These needles are designed to alleviate discomfort in the more sensitive facial areas and reduce potential bruising.

TMJ acupuncture is a holistic approach that focuses on decreasing and eliminating painful symptoms related to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. By targeting the underlying causes of misalignment and pain, this therapeutic technique aims to alleviate and improve overall oral health.

TMJ conditions are triggered by repetitive activities such as eating, talking, and yawning which strain the jaw muscles and joints. Additionally, stress and anxiety, system imbalances, and emotional blockages can contribute to TMJ disorders.

During TMJ acupuncture, Nikhita carefully selects specific points on the face, neck, and jaw to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms. These points are believed to release blocked energy, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation. By using extra-thin needles, the acupuncturist can penetrate deeper tissue layers without affecting the superficial structures.

The benefits of TMJ acupuncture include pain relief, improved jaw function, and reduced tension. Patients often report a decrease in headaches, jaw clicking and popping, and ear pain. TMJ acupuncture can help manage stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and prevent long-term damage to teeth, muscles, and joints.

It is important to note that acupuncture TMJ Physiotherapy is not a quick fix and requires several sessions to achieve results. When used with other therapeutic modalities such as physiotherapy, TMJ acupuncture can provide effective and lasting relief from TMJ-related symptoms.

What to expect?

Before your TMJ treatment, Nikhita Jain will take the time to discuss, any potential root causes, and ensure you are comfortable. It is important that she understands your specific situation to tailor the treatment to your needs.

After discussing your issues, Nikhita Jain will allow you some time to lie down and get comfortable. Blankets will be provided to keep you warm and comfortable during your treatment. We recommend wearing loose clothing that allows access to your neck and shoulders.

During the acupuncture session, you may experience varying sensations at the acupuncture points. Some people may experience more sensations at certain points, while others may feel nothing. This is common and depends on the amount of tension in the area. Please do not hesitate to let Nikhita know if any of the stimulated points are too intense for you. Your comfort is of the utmost importance, and we want you to be able to fully relax during the treatment.

For chronic TMJ conditions, a series of several appointments may be necessary to experience full relief of your symptoms. Depending on both your lifestyle and the severity of the issue, monthly maintenance treatments can be helpful to prevent symptoms.

What to Wear?

We are currently asking clients to arrive right on time for appointments. For your first appointment please ensure that you have filled out your intake form. If you can, wear comfortable clothing. Eat a light snack before your appointment or have one handy in case you feel you need nourishment afterwards.


Take a few moments to stay present with these sensations as they carry forward into your day or evening. Depending on your level of tension going into the treatment, your face or jaw may feel sore, achy, or tender. If so, apply a warm compress to soothe the muscles.

Additionally, it’s crucial to stay well hydrated after a treatment. While it’s okay to carry on with your daily activities or exercise routine post-session, we recommend taking it easy. You may experience fatigue, and in some rare cases very mild flu-like symptoms. These signs of your body’s natural healing and detoxification process.

Remember to listen to your body and take rest when needed. Allow yourself to fully enjoy the benefits of the treatment by allowing your body to rest and recover.