The Clamshell

The Clamshell

Exercise For Treating Foot, Hip And Knee Pain

Known as the clamshell; this leg and hip strengthening exercise may be unfamiliar to you, but it’s one you should consider adding to your training routine. This exercise will strengthen your hips and thighs while
also stabilizing your pelvic muscles and shaping your glutes.

But, how can one exercise help alleviate so many different aches and pains at once? It is simple
to understand, and we’ve put together a short guide to show you how clamshell training may
benefit many parts of your body while also reducing discomfort and ensuring optimal health and
wellness. To begin, continue reading…

Clamshell how tooo

Why Should You Try This Clamshell Exercise?

In addition to strengthening the hips, gluteal muscles, and pelvis, the clamshell may help avoid
lower back discomfort and injury. This easy exercise is well recognized in Burnaby for its
capacity to improve mobility and overall well-being.

Muscles Targeted With The Exercise

The general muscles targeted with the clamshell exercise are rectus abdominis, gluteus
maximus, and erector spinae. Your medial glutes are very important since they are responsible
for hip stability, balance, and power, among other things.

They are also responsible for your lower back strength. Strengthening your medial glutes will
help to stabilize, propel, and protect your knees and lower back from unnecessary strain, since
they will be responsible for the majority of the work needed in lower body movement.


Exercise Advantages

This basic exercise is well-known for its many benefits, and with the assistance of one of our
Plaza Physio team members, we can target a particular muscle to ensure you get the most out
of your workout.

The clamshell exercise may help you correct a Trendelenburg gait, which occurs when one hip
dips while you walk.

Apart from gait correction, the clamshell is often used to treat a variety of ailments, including:

● IT Band Syndrome
● Osteoarthritis
● Sprains of the knees and ankles
● Recovery after a total hip replacement surgery
● Lower back pain.

Some additional benefits include:

Hip Stabilization

The clamshell, as a general exercise, may assist with strengthening your medial glutes, giving
your hips greater power and stability. This may also lead to a reduced risk of injury across th
whole lower body, more stability in agility training, and increased squat strength and power.

Definition of Muscles

The impact of the clamshell exercise on muscular form and growth is another advantage. When
you add resistance to the clamshell, 10-plus repetitions may really work your glutes. You’ll set
the foundation for defining that muscle group if you strive to maximize it by aiming for
completing numerous sets.

how to

Who Should The Clamshell Exercise Be Done By?

The clamshell may help a broad range of individuals and is recommended by physical therapists
as a first step in hip and core development. This exercise may be used to treat back, hip, or
knee discomfort, or it can be used as a preventive technique to build strength and avoid
unpleasant conditions.

clamshell how too

Reach out to our Plaza Physio team in Burnaby to learn more about this fantastic exercise or to
be supervised by one of our professionals. We would be pleased to assist you with this process!