

Plaza Physiotherapy is very excited to be re-opening our doors and start helping our amazing clients again. In order to get back into the swing of things, we need to make a few adjustments and implement new protocols. Please review the changes you will see at Plaza!

Plaza Physiotherapy Clinic is re-opening.


Scheduling (Social Distancing & Capacity):

We are staggering session times to minimize interactions and we are enforcing a strict maximum capacity rule to ensure that we limit the number of individuals in the clinic at once. 

Heightened Cleaning Procedures:

We have raised the standard of our cleaning measures to ensure the health and safety of our team and patients. We are disinfecting common areas more frequently and continuing to ensure a thorough clean of treatment rooms including chairs, equipment & treatment supplies is completed after each patient.

Re-opening SCREENING:

All clients and staff are required to complete self-screening before booking or attending an appointment.

A screening questionnaire will be e-mailed to all clients 12 hours before their scheduled appointment. Please complete this before your appointment. If it is not completed, the questions will be asked by our front desk staff upon your arrival.

Anyone who is symptomatic will be asked to leave the clinic and contact a health care practitioner or call 811.

Health & Safety Patient Protocols:

We ask our patients who are booking appointments to please read and abide by the following protocols on your treatment day!

Appointment times are easy to book online for re-opening
Time of Arrival:

Please arrive for your appointment right on time and not any earlier. This keeps contact or crowding in our waiting room to a minimum.

Upon Arrival:

We require patients to sanitize or wash their hands upon entry to our clinic. Our front desk will ask you a few quick questions to verbally confirm the state of your health if the e-mailed questionnaire was not completed. Please do not bring family members or friends with you to your appointment at this time. If accommodations are needed, please contact front desk prior to your appointment.

Face Protection:

We highly encourage all clients to wear masks at all times and any other PPE that will make them feel more comfortable. Practitioners will be wearing face masks the entire duration of each appointment.

Treatment Wear:

Please come fully dressed in proper attire for your treatment (gowns will only be provided for Dr. He’s patients when required). We will be suspending all other treatment wear.

for re-opening all staff are using PPE and patients are required to wear a mask

IMPORTANT: Please stay home if you are sick, or if you are showing any signs or symptoms.


As we are re-opening, at this time we aren’t accepting cash payments. To minimize the amount of interactions in the clinic, we are asking patients to keep an active credit card on file at all times. This way, our reception can settle any payments in a contactless way. Receipts for payment will be e-mailed to clients following their appointment.

To add your credit card to your file, please sign into your JaneApp account where you book your appointments or reception can help add it to your file on your first visit back. (JaneApp is a secure & safe platform)


Cleaning & Sanitation Procedures:

1. We are increasing time between each appointment to ensure there is extra time to clean the treatment tables/rooms thoroughly so that sanitizing solutions have time to take effect, ensuring a clean surface.

2. Frequent hand-washing, especially between each patient will occur throughout the day with anti-bacterial hand soap.

3. Furthermore, a continuous sanitization of the full clinic will occur continuously throughout the day by reception & management, along with a nightly professional cleaning team. Ensuring all touched surfaces are consistently disinfected.

4. All practitioners & staff members will be wearing masks and designated clothing worn strictly for treatment time in clinic only.

5. Gym equipment & modalities will be used less frequently, but when used will be sanitized immediately after with special solutions.

6. We are treating without pillows placed on the beds. If you and your therapist require a pillow for your treatment, one will be made available & pillowcases will be changed after each use.

More information at

Hand washing and hand sanitizers are on hand