Let’s resolve to be Healthier! When people think about the New Year they start planning their resolutions. For many of us, our resolutions revolve around our health – like losing weight, running a marathon, taking yoga, meditating, and starting or returning to therapy. Except, when considering our goals, and how to achieve them, people often overlook a key component to reaching them.


This might surprise you, but physiotherapy can be a key component to achieving your goals. Here are three resolutions we can not only help you stick to, but smash them.


It’s no secret gym memberships skyrocket in January, but did you also know attendance drops off by 92%? When it comes to working out, getting in shape, failure happens and most of the time it comes from doing too much, too soon and hurting yourself. Our Physiotherapists have extensive knowledge of body mechanics and medical and health practices. By teaming up with Plaza, we can help you avoid or recover from injury, work around disabilities, and actually stick to your new workout routine.

Resolve to be healthier. Exercise  and eating a balanced diet is key to weight loss


Resolve to be healthier by releasing stress is a key component of unhealthy living. When you reduce your stress, you increase your quality of living. Thankfully, we offer an assortment of services to help reduce your stress – like Registered Massage Therapy and Acupuncture – but also Physiotherapy. By alleviating fatigue, back and neck pain, indigestion, and other ailments that compound emotional stress, we are able to reduce tension and anxiety. Research shows, regular visits with a physiotherapist can significantly improve your life, mindset, and body!

sleep can help with stress and can resolve in being healthier


It might seem counterproductive to invest in a new treatment in order to save money, but improving your wellness will benefit your success – both professionally and personally. Whether you are looking to rehabilitate or seeking preventative measure, Physiotherapy will improve your energy, flexibility and mobility. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll work harder, have clearer attention, and save money by not missing work due to injury or stress.

resolve to be healthier and well being and health means goals

No matter what your resolutions are, investing in your health and well-being is necessary for success. Our clinic is designed to help you reach your goals – no matter what they are! Whether you are visiting Plaza Physiotherapy to heal your body or mind, or are looking for preventative measures, we are dedicated to helping. Reach out in 2020 and bring your goals a step closer.