Falling: The Facts Behind The Fear

Fear of Fallinf

Falling: The Facts Behind The Fear

There are far more people who are afraid of falling than the average person imagines. Even if
you’ve had a serious fall in the past or your balance has weakened as you became older, this
might lead you to be afraid of falling, particularly if you’re on your own at the time.

We at Plaza Physio know how difficult it can be to live with this anxiety, and how it may have an
impact on your day-to-day routines. That’s why we created this blog: to help you understand
why you’re afraid and how to overcome it once and for all.

a fall doesn't mean your mobility has gone

What Is Falling Fear? How Common Is It?

A fear of falling or post-fall syndrome is a person’s nervousness about walking or moving
normally, with the expectation of falling. It is most prevalent after a fall, although it may
sometimes happen without one.

Fear of falling has been referred to as a symptom rather than a diagnosis. FOF (Fear of falling) is more frequent in women than in males, and it is more common in the elderly. It has the impact of producing
functional deterioration, decreased mobility, and further falls.

falling can be scary

Facts Behind The Fear Of Falling

● Fear of falling may lead to a vicious cycle in which you are unable to engage in things
that you are capable of.
● The fear might prevent you from living a confident life.
● The majority of individuals who are frightened of falling have never fallen.
● It might have a negative impact on your quality of life. You cease participating in things that you love, such as going out with friends and being active.
● The fear has been demonstrated to increase the likelihood of falling.

Management Pointers

In order to learn how to cope and deal with their fear of falling, most patients in the Burnaby
region come to our clinic for supervision using these management methods and exercises. Here
are a few basic ways we may assist you in overcoming your fear:

Muscle Stabilization

Elderly persons are in danger of losing muscle mass and function, but this may be mitigated to
some extent by beginning a gradual strengthening program. This will give you greater
confidence in yourself that if you’re left alone, you won’t fall or hurt yourself.

Feel safe after a fall

Balance Exercises

This might start with the chores or activities that are unpleasant or anxiety-inducing for the
person. If the task proves to be too challenging, it may be broken down into smaller parts and then proceeded from there.


When it comes to falling, the kind of footwear you wear is crucial. Of course, going to the park in
9-inch heels is asking for trouble, but wearing shoes that are incapable of supporting and
adequately dispersing your weight is setting yourself up for failure. Footwear should be both
comfortable and sturdy, allowing you to rest certain that you are taking a nice, strong, and
supported stride. Furthermore, appropriate footwear provides you with balance.


Physiotherapy also provides you with customized exercises and stretches, helping you to
keep a strong, solid body and a fear-free life. Physical therapy will help you get the courage to
go forth confidently, firmly, and fearlessly.

Contact Plaza Physiotherapy in Burnaby to learn more about our services and how we can help
you manage your condition.